Sheevaun Moran


Emerge & Monetize

Ready to FULLY and WHOLLY Operate at Your Most Soul Aligned and Highest Level

Your Life, Your Soul Centered Self, Prosperity and Future Will Thank You!

FROM THE DESK OF: Sheevaun Moran

SUBJECT: The Best MasterMind Event All Year

Did you know that every day you are called to emerge OUT of your slumber and INTO your most aligned, prosperous self?

Many people know they need to emerge, but only a few do what it takes to emerge into their most brilliant and successful self.

Are you the one who will step out from the noise and emerge into what you're here to do, share, innovate, invent, speak about, create, or write about?

If you are one of the few whose soul is crying to get into alignment with the contribution, connection, prospering, and collaboration that awaits then read on...

Did you know that you tell yourself something every day that keeps you from allowing prosperity and the ability to truly Emerge?
Did you know that no matter how much action you take, when you tell yourself this, you will end up doing what you want least?

This one thing you tell yourself every day is why you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing works.

A seminar is not going to solve it.

The latest bells and whistles are not going to solve it.

You need a solution that your heart and soul feel aligned with. One that will get you consistent results with consistent ease.

One connection, one strategy, the true north direction you're meant to be on... in an instant can change not just your life but the course of history.
Imagine if Jobs had never met Wozniak, if Ben had never met Jerry or if Ray Croc had never met the McDonald brothers…

I love this quote: “We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness.” - Albert Schweitzer

Connections in business, as in life make the magic happen…

Connections create shortcuts and without them, business is hard and a very lonely place. 

So if your goal is to always be the "most curious and desirous person in the room," then this group just might be for you.

What makes this invitation so strange?
When ordinary invitations are sent out, the host hopes that all who receive the invitation accept it and are able to attend. Not so with this invitation.

The Emerge and Monetize program is NOT for everyone, and quite frankly to the grimace of my sales team, some who apply are not accepted.

However, if you do manage to get in, you'll be able to call some of the best and brightest minds in the world of business your friends, and if you understand that success in life is less about what you know or even WHO you know... and more about WHO KNOWS YOU...

You’re now ready to begin creating the life you long for, and to move from your least best self to where you truly want to be.
Emerge and Monetize has been designed to help you monetize while you're emerging into what you're here to do, or emerging into the next phase of what you're already doing. It's a potent program to get you doing more than just talking about what could have been and to really finally things around... once and for all. 
With Emerge & Monetize we will do the inner and outer work to create a plan and strategy while achieving what you're actually here to do. We will help you uncover your real bag of why's. 

The conscious aligned members include inventors, retail store owners, leaders, authors, coaches, scientists, business owners who are already making a dent, and business start-ups. 

As a member, you are given priority to intimate coaching, mentoring, advisorship, and connection with others who are in the same vibration and mindset as you. One element of this connection and collaboration ensures that your health is a priority, and we will include tools and technologies that will most assuredly improve your vitality and health.

Life is short and this Emerge program was born out of a frustration of watching seekers fail in other programs because those programs only focused on a tiny sliver of what's possible.

I believe that we are whole beings and when we integrate and learn to bring all aspects together in one space, our lives are more fully enhanced AND our next level is that much more easily achieved. 

Our motto is EASE and GRACE on the path to your next level. 
Emerge and Monetize is for you if:
  • You have been stuck or plateaued
  • Your current support mechanism is just not dishing details and actual real world techniques
  • You want to be collaborating and connecting with like-minded, upward succeeding leaders
  • ​You want to be a champion of your life, impact, influence, income and energetics!
If energetics are not included in your life then you're going to struggle and shop around and around and around, essentially taking the longest road to your genius, success, and best life ever. 

Here's a small snipit from one of our recent calls...

Sheevaun Moran
Highly Curated, Connections and Collaboration...
Sheevaun Moran
Hi! My name is Sheevaun Moran. I'm President and CEO of Energetic Solutions, Inc. and Energy Mastery, Inc. and I am host to the Epic Life Conference. More importantly, I am your guide for the Emerge and Monetize program.

My mission is to elevate you and help you achieve what you're here to do and share while ensuring you monetize it properly. The goal of all humans is to achieve freedom, courage, and purpose, and that is my highest proposal for you. My first company was mowing lawns, which gave me freedom. Then I worked as a computer programmer and was so introverted that I embarked on being in sales just to see if I could get out of my own way. I was hired as a controller for a small business at the tender age of 16. On the journey, I discovered that the unique skills of being a programmer to sales and marketing were paramount to the success of companies that were starting up.

It became apparent to me that I had a unique gift: that the blend of heart, soul, business, and strategy was not yet being shared out there in the world. Add to that my unique spin on how energetics affect all success, mindset, and life situations and it's the perfect formula for someone who is not just an ordinary individual. Someone who has more awareness, skills in many areas, wants to contribute to life and the planet in unique and connective ways, and wants to grow a business along that journey is the perfect person to come into their own Emergence while Monetizing with Ease.

You've often heard you are the average of those closest to you and that you should guard who you associate with, but there's an even more active way to level up your personal and professional life, and that's by joining a mastermind group. It is, in a way, a gift that keeps on giving because it thrives on the generosity of each individual member.

Imagine... instantly feeling like you've found your tribe and people who really GET you.

The gatherings are designed for your highest potential and your most aligned actions.

We host bi-monthly calls to keep the energy going and help you address anything that's coming up in between gatherings. All gatherings are held in a beautiful location that ensures quality environment and nourishing food. 

You get the strategy, personalized attention and the ability to work ON your business and YOURSELF.

"One great idea executed is worth 1000 ordinary ones"

Get Going and Emerge TO Your Most Aligned Self
Emerge & Monetize
The ONLY Mastermind Focusing on Business, Personal and Alignment for the ALIGNED Entrepreneur In the Country!
You will experience...
  • Strategy
  • ​Energetic Solutions
  • ​Collaboration
  • ​Meditation
  • Surprise excursion
  • ​Joint ventures
  • Deep, lasting relationship building
  • ​Clarity processes
  • Deep shifting group exercise, experiential activities, mindset and energetic shifts and more...
The Emerge & Monetize Program Includes:
2 In-Person Intensives at an exquisite location (2 days each)
3 Personal Deep Solution Calls with Sheevaun
Private Facebook Collaboration/

Connection Group

1 Mastermind Tune Up Call Per Month
PLUS valuable bonuses including...
access to our resource library
customized support with our coaches
lifetime access to ignite your prosperity ($3997 value!)
Ignite Your Prosperity is your "No B.S." path to financial freedom and success in life and business. This proven 7-part system will guide you through resolving your inner conflicts (many you weren't even aware of!) that are holding you back from taking the next step in your life and business. Ignite features practical interpretations of valuable ancient principles that, when used properly, will Ignite Your Prosperity beyond what you can currently imagine.
Proven Results
"My heart is so filled with love and appreciation to Sheevaun because without her, I really don't know where I would be... I would be not in a very happy place. She helped me in so many different ways, so many different levels, that all I now can see is... it's like the possibilities are endless, and my heart is so filled with love and appreciation for her."
Irene Freitas

Feng Shui Strategist

"I started just over a month ago and I've already doubled my business... If you're on the fence about working with Sheevaun, or about investing in yourself in this way, just have a conversation with Sheevaun and her team. You'd be silly not to. The work will completely transform your business and your energy."
Matthew Cooke

CEO and Founder of Supreme Performance Academy

"I can see the handful of very simple, easy action steps I need to take to not just have the business I want, but the lifestyle I want too. I spent a lot of years making things very messy and putting in so much effort and not getting the return. It feels amazing to be able to put in what feels like less effort, and get much greater of a return."
Elizabeth Dialto

Author and Founder of the Institute for EMBODIED Living

take your next big step forward

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